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Drinking tap water

Purified vs Alkaline

What's the difference?

Purified Water

Our 7-step reverse-osmosis purified water is the cleanest water you can receive. The thorough purification process ensures the elimination of contaminates found in your tap water.

Medical greade, this water is not only great for drinking, but also for any machinery requiring pure water (e.g. ice machines, cpap).

Tested daily, our water sits at a >5 particle per million (ppm).

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Alkaline Water

Our alkaline water has natural trace minerals added to our reverse-osmosis water to increase the pH level of the water to a 8.0+ pH.

Similar to mineral or spring water, our alkaline water contains natural minerals to improve hydration, and taste/

Although treated naturally, check with your doctor before switching to alkaline water given it's elevated pH level.

See what is in your tap water

At, fill out your zip code to get a free report of what has been found in your water

Prioritize your health...

Get started today with home water delivery and/or in-home water filtration so you can stay safe, and drink healthy.

How does tap water affect you?

Arsenic in tap water can increase the risk of serious health issues, including cancer, cardiovascular problems, and neurological damage, especially with long-term exposure. Since it often contaminates groundwater, regular testing and effective filtration are essential to ensure safe drinking water.

Chloroform in tap water, a byproduct of chlorine disinfection, can pose health risks such as liver and kidney damage, as well as an increased risk of cancer with prolonged exposure. Protect your health by using advanced filtration systems to remove this harmful contaminant from your water.

Chlorine in tap water, while used for disinfection, can cause skin irritation, dry hair, and unpleasant taste or odor, with long-term exposure linked to respiratory issues. A quality water filtration system removes excess chlorine, ensuring safer and better-tasting water.

Bromodichloromethane, a byproduct of water disinfection, can increase the risk of cancer and harm the liver and kidneys with long-term exposure. Protect your health by using a filtration system designed to remove harmful disinfection byproducts from your water.